Minecraft world vulcano island beach river sunny palm trees shader screenshot title image

Import guide


All products require a version of Minecraft. Make sure your device meets the minimum system requirements. More specifically, most products require a PC, Mac, Server or Realms with the Java Edition of Minecraft. Some products require third-party mods or plugins. Additional costs with your internet provider may occur when downloading a product.

World folder

By default, the world I deliver includes the recommended Gamerules. If you wish, edit the Gamerules yourself ingame or manage them in specific regions with the plugin WorldGuard. Convertible to Schematics.

  1. Download, unzip and move the world folder into your world saves folder:
    โŠž C:/Users/%user%/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/saves/
    โŒ˜ ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/
  2. Load up Minecraft and enter the world.

Beginners Step-by-Step guide

Video tutorial

  1. Host a Minecraft server.
  2. Download and move the world folder into your Minecraft servers directory.
  3. Open the server.properties file and edit the value of world= to match the world folder.
  4. Restart your server.


Schematics are a lightweight file, easily merge-able with an already existing world. Convertible to Litematica.

  1. Install the latest matching versions of the mod loader Fabric or Forge, the modifications Fabric API and WorldEdit.
  2. Download and move the file into your local schematics folder:
    โŠž C:/Users/%user%/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/config/worldedit/schematics
    โŒ˜ ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/config/worldedit/schematics
  3. Enter your world and get to the pasting location.
  4. Load up the Schematics list and select your file:
    //schem list
  5. Type the pasting command:
    //paste -aebs
  1. Install a distribution of Spigot on your server.
  2. Install the latest version of the plugin FastAsyncWorldedit on your server.
  3. Upload your Schematic file to Worldedits schematic folder directory:
  4. Enter your server and get to the pasting location.
  5. Load up the Schematics list and select your file:
    //schem list
  6. Type the pasting command:
    //paste -aebs

Beginners tutorial

Advanced tutorial


Litematics are modification-specific files, displaying a hologram and material list.

  1. Install the latest versions of the mod loader Fabric, the modifications MaLiLib and Litematica.
  2. Download the file I sent you into your local schematics folder.
    โŠž C:/Users/%user%/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/config/worldedit/schematics
    โŒ˜ ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/config/worldedit/schematics
  3. Enter your world and get to the pasting location.
  4. Load and display your Litematic file to build along the blueprint or place it directly by setting a hotkey for your pasting tool.

Minecraft Structure

Minecraft structures are a vanilla solution of handling builds of restricted sizes in-game. Java Edition structures come as .nbt files and Bedrock Edition structures come as .mcstructure files.

  1. Download and store the structure and store its respective location. For Java Edition, structures are saved per each world.
    โŠž C:/Users/%user%/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/saves/%Your-World%/generated/minecraft/structures/
    โŒ˜ ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/%Your-World%/generated/minecraft/structures/
  2. Enter your world where you obtain a structure block by typing the command /give @p structure_block in chat.
  3. Place and open the structure block at the pasting location by right-clicking. Now set the mode to load, enter your structures name and coordinates and click ‘Load’.
  1. Enter your world where you obtain a structure block by typing the command /give @p structure_block in chat.
  2. Place and open the structure block at the pasting location by right-clicking. Now set the mode to load, import your downloaded structure and click ‘Load’.