Minecraft ancient asian oriental plaza temple cherry blossom valley mountain range far distant view screenshot title image


October 7, 2023
Minecraft world map schematic plot spawn server griefergames quartz modern large tower skyscraper ingame raytracing shader preview screenshot image

GrieferGames Citybuild

An industrial outpost with all neccessary citybuild plots in one place on GrieferGames. Visit with /p h IB
October 7, 2023
August 27, 2022
Minecraft world merchant oasis desert temple trade market place surrounded by palms golden roofs at sunset from lions statue pov raytracing shader screenshot preview image

Merchant Oasis

Trade with custom villagers at the bazaar, host battles in the arena, set up your base and explore with your friends
August 27, 2022
December 13, 2020
Minecraft world Asian Plaza oriental village town cherry blossom birch trees chinese wall kung fu panda inspired temple far distant view at sunrise shader ingame screenshot image

Asian Plaza

Find zen gardens, pavillons, cherry blossoms, Toriis, a monk and one big temple in this oriental world
December 13, 2020
October 22, 2020
Build The Vote Minecraft project

Build the Vote

Rock the Vote initiated a project to teach the american primary voters their voting system. My assignment was to create the venue
October 22, 2020
September 21, 2020

University of Chicago

A student from the University of Chicago commissioned me with a 1:1 campus recreation
September 21, 2020
September 9, 2020
Progressive antique hill city

Progressive Antique Hill City

This world is the best example for usual server projects of the Minecraft community. With the focus on two roundabout railways, this detailed fantasy city is well connected
September 9, 2020
July 21, 2020
Minecraft World Warhammer 40000 oversized organic model structures shader ingame screenshot

Warhammer 40.000 Oversized

A fan of the video game Warhammer 40k wanted a detailed, oversized model recreation of a game character to inspect and edit in Minecraft
July 21, 2020
July 14, 2020
Pireate hijacked Spanish Galleon

Pirate Hijacked Spanish Galleon

To brighten up a players sea world, this Spanish galleon was created. It features a dungeon, a wine cellar, furnished cabins and a captain’s room
July 14, 2020
May 29, 2020
Minecraft world Victorian suburb English town market hall dense forest ingame shader screenshot

Victorian Suburb

Together with a fellow builder, we created a city from the ground up in the Victorian era style. Containing many mansions, a town hall, market place, all fully furbished, this world can be explored for days
May 29, 2020

Interest awakened?

If you need more inspiration to realize your very own idea, have a look at in-game demos of past creations. Or view more projects in the journal.